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Dowsing Pendulum over Tarot
Writer's pictureKassandra Russel

Focus on Healing and Spirituality Today, Not Work

Today starts with the power of 3 as all 3 cards in today’s spread are #1 from the suit of pentacles, #2 are minor, and #3 are reversed. This does not bode well for work activities today. Since these are all cards of work that are reversed, it indicates to me that you may be unemployed or calling in sick to work today because it’s necessary to take a break to focus on your health.

The 8 of Pentacles reversed represents working too hard and being tired of work. Or, work is boring and tedious. In fact, it’s just plain deadening to the soul and results in a lack of effort, shoddy products and cutting corners. Work might even be scarce, or you’re not qualified for the work you’re doing or you could be on strike. The 7 of Pentacles reversed symbolizes impatience, complications, procrastination and a lack of follow-thru. And, finally we come to the 3 of Pentacles reversed and this can represent sloppiness, delays, mistakes, damage and missed deadlines. If you are at work, nothing is going right today. Co-workers or vendors might be undermining you. The Boss is angry and doesn’t appreciate you.

Another way to look at reversed cards is to see them as concerning your inner world instead of happenings and action in your outer world. Reversed cards can indicate having a spiritual focus and being more soulful. Today would probably be better spent at home journaling and spending time in serious self-examination. And, it can also be about preparing to ritually acknowledge what you want your worklife to be when your attention returns to the outer world of activity. Perhaps you would rather work for yourself and freelance or start your own company. Write it all down, build an altar, light a candle and do some praying. The power of 3 is creative and with 3 reversed cards including the 3 of Pentacles, it’s a day to focus on your inner life and spiritual creativity or resting to improve the state of your health.

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